Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Cowamoley holy! Can you believe this?! So, I was hanging with my bud after we completed an adventure....
...And this happened!!!! Neat, huh? I don't know how I did it, but it was there!!!!!!!But I couldn't figure out how to get rid of it, though. :( So I refreshed! XD

Oh yeah, and my bud?
You mean that girl? I love her. Not as much as my bff though. ;)
Pretty rare, and taught me where she got her 4 rare bows!
Play 'Return of the phantoms' in hard mode.
Save the bunnies in THIS order: Daisy, Snowball, Jack, Oliver.
When you get the prize, click the chest at the top left! You should get a bow. She's pretty helpful, and a Level 8, too!