Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hi! :)


OMG! An AnimalJam blog?! Yup! Here to help with everything (about AnimalJam actually) from codes to glitches! Need help with games? I'm right here! Got scammed? I'm here to help! As you know, a blog is a website about something.(I think!) So I'll be posting as often as possible each month or so about new codes, newly discovered glitches, and rare item Mondays! But please, don't expect me to post everyday. I have a life outside of my laptop. Like trash duty and showers. Before you start commenting, let's look at a few rules:
  1. ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO VULGAR LANGUAGE OR INAPPROIATE TOPICS! If your allowed to use vulgar language when your at home(I hope not), you do that. But please, not here! Other people are reading this too!
  2. NO PERSONAL INFOMATION! Sure, it IS great to know a child has been born, but tell your real friends, not the Internet! Word can spread and soon some clever hacker can figure out everything about you! Yup, address, full name, the whole works.
  3. When commenting, please be nice to fellow Jammers reading your comments. I will be checking comments to see if your following rules 1-4.
  4. Don't chat in the comments! I will be posting a CHAT ROOM for everyone to use.Same rules apply, though!
  5. You have 3 strikes. First strike: Warning. Second strike: More serious warning. Third strike: Your out. Temporarily banned from commenting. These mean if you do not follow rules 1-4 a strike WILL occur. If you have a fourth strike... Temporarily banned from blog.
Yup! Those are the rules! Not much, I know, but you still have to follow them. Well, I think that's it!
Bye, Jammers, be safe and have fun!